The aim of the website (the “Website”) is to present ARROW MARKETING GROUP. It is intended solely to provide information about the business of ARROW MARKETING GROUP.


ARROW MARKETING GROUP has taken all reasonable care to ensure correctness and accuracy of the information published on the Website, at the time of online publication. However, ARROW MARKETING GROUP cannot make any representation or warranty of any nature, expressly or implicitly, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of the services and products described on the Website. You should not rely solely on the information contained on the Website. In particular, ARROW MARKETING GROUP cannot be made liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the information provided on the Website.

This Website is for information purposes only. Nothing contained therein constitutes or shall be deemed to constitute a financial, legal, tax or other advice of any kind and no information on the Website shall constitute or deem to constitute a solicitation or an offer to purchase, or invest in, any financial products which are referred to on the Website.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of these pages, data and any other element making up the site, by whatever process or tool, is forbidden and subject to the express permission of ARROW MARKETING GROUP. Failure to do so shall be considered as an infringement of copyright.

In this context, you are specifically reminded that the use of the Internet network does not constitute a safe means of communication or exchange of information. Consequently, you specifically recognize that you are using this network at your own risks. ARROW MARKETING GROUP will in no circumstance be directly or indirectly liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss of damage, of whatever nature arising from loss of data or profits arising from the use of the Website.
Additionally, the Website may contain links to other websites owned and/or operated by entities other than ARROW MARKETING GROUP. Those websites being out of control of ARROW MARKETING GROUP does not endorse nor warrant any representation as to the content, nature and availability of such websites. Such links do not constitute a recommendation of any nature.

ARROW MARKETING GROUP holds a professional indemnity insurance against liability arising from professional negligence, which is appropriate to the risks, covered.